

January 20, 2023 News

January 20, 2023

I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you,

because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day

until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion

by the day of Jesus Christ. ~ Philippians 1:3-6


Dear Disciples of Christ the Lord,


“PREACH THE WORD AND LOVE THE PEOPLE.” Pastor Bob Mitchell spoke those encouraging words to me shortly after I began serving as your interim pastor last January. His words have guided me. Your warm welcome and kind actions quickly made me feel at home among you. Thank you!


FEBRUARY 5, WILL BE THE FIRST SUNDAY WITH PASTOR BRAD EIDSON leading worship--if all goes according to plan. My last Sunday will be on January 29. I will miss you. Using St. Paul’s words, I will pray with joy for all of you because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day. 


ON BEING DIFFERENT—A FEW THOUGHTS: As you know, Pastor Bob and I are different. We were entrusted by God with different gifts. Yet, we both served CTL on a mission to share the good news of our Lord Jesus. Pastor Brad is going to be different from Pastor Bob and from me. Yet, Pastor Brad will arrive on the same mission: Preaching and teaching the Word of our Lord. When you welcome Pastor Brad, Lauren, and Wiliam, please be as kind to them as you have been to me.


ON CHANGE—A FEW THOUGHTS: With all the significant changes CTL endured the last several years, I was urged, “Don’t change things. Lately, we have had too much change.” Now, the time has come to expect change. We all want progress. Progress always involves change. Hopefully, that progress will include welcoming new disciples whom CTL will embrace. Even when meaning well, our efforts will include mistakes. Disciples of Christ forgive each other, then move ahead together. Jesus’ first disciples frequently made mistakes. Jesus used those as ‘teaching moments’. Let’s learn from our mistakes.


ONE MORE--REMEMBER YOUR IDENTITY! You are disciples of Christ the Lord. If it would help you, print these words, and post them where you will often see them: “I am God’s beloved child, called and sent to make a difference in the world.” 


IT HAS BEEN A JOY to serve as your Interim Pastor. Thank you for your faithfulness and kindness as ‘Caring People Caring for People." Below are words from St. Paul giving us our ‘marching orders’ as disciples of Christ the Lord.


Grace and peace to you,

Scott Peterson

Interim Pastor

And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more

 with knowledge and full insight to help you to determine what is best,

 so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless,

 having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ

for the glory and praise of God. --Philippians 1:9-11

Proposed Amendments to Our Constitution

A redline version of the recommended amendments is available HERE, showing proposed insertions and deletions to our current constitution. A paper copy of the proposed changes is also available upon request to the church office.

All Confirmed Members of

Christ the Lord Lutheran Church

Annual Congregation Meeting

Sunday, January 29 at 10:00 a.m.

Agenda Items Include:

Presentation of the Annual Report

Election of New Council Members

Vote on the 2023 Budget

Proposed Amendments to the Constitution.

Church Yard Sale

Did you know the church has been organizing and hosting yard sales for 14 years? During that time our yard sales have yielded between $3000 - $6000 per sale. This money has always been used to help pay for our youth to attend the ELCA Youth Gathering every three years. The congregation has always been extremely supportive in items donations, purchases, and service time. We will be hosting another sale in late summer or early fall. This year we will not be collecting books, other than children’s titles or clothing of any type. Some of the items that sell particularly well are housewares, luggage, baby equipment, linens, costume jewelry, yard equipment, and tools. Please watch this coming summer for our collection dates. 

High School Youth

Gift Basket Project

Our high school youth will be assembling gift baskets of staples for the Partnership Against Domestic Violence (PADV) women’s shelter. We need the congregation’s help. On Sunday, January 29, and February 5, we will collect laundry supplies: laundry pods, fabric softener, fabric softener sheets, and stain remover. We will also be collecting kids’ snack items: popcorn, bars, nuts, cookies, candy, etc. The shelter distributes these baskets to new families coming into the facility. Please contribute, if you can, to this youth service project. We will have laundry baskets in the narthex for your donations. The youth will coordinate and organize the donated items, add some Valentine items, and deliver the baskets to PADV on Valentine’s Day. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Online Directory

We have an online directory of active members of Christ the Lord. We want to be sure our members have access to current contact information for friends and ministry leaders. We also want to protect the information from being utilized by anyone who would seek to do harm. With that in mind, the decision has been made to move away from making a downloadable directory available. If you haven’t already, we invite you to download the Online Directory App. to the devices of your choice. The easy-to-use app is available for iPhone®, iPad, and any iOS Device as well as Android. By utilizing the App you will have the most real-time information. Only individuals whose email address is in the directory will have access to the information included. Using the email on file verification is made and each individual will set up their own password credentials for access. 

Links to Apps

Apple App Store: Get the iPhone / iPad app here.

Google Play Store: Get the Android app here.

Members can log into the Online Member Directory at

You may notice that your picture is missing or not up to date. Feel free to provide a picture of your choosing to Janice Aldridge in the church office by email. If you need someone to take a picture or need more assistance feel free to call the church office at 770-963-4499.  

Need printed instructions? Download a pdf for IOS here and for Android here. If you need a directory and wish not to utilize the app, please contact the church office and a printed copy will be provided to you.  


Spring Retreats are Being Planned

April 20 - 23

Tanglewood Cabins

Helen, Georgia

May 5-7


Tallapoosa, Georgia

Sunday Morning Faith Formation

Join Us This Sunday

10:00 a.m.

Sunday Morning Classes

Sunday School - Prek to Grade 5 and High School

Confirmation Grades 6, 7 and 8

11:00 a.m.

Children's Chime Choir

First grade through 8th grade

Family Fun Night

Friday, January 27  

6:00 – 9:00

Elementary students and their families are invited to Family Fun Night at church on January 27, 6:00-9:00. We will begin in the fellowship hall for games and some pizza. After dinner, we will watch a family movie on the big screen in the sanctuary. Bring a sleeping bag or blanket and pillow to get comfy on the sanctuary floor for the show. We encourage you to bring some friends to this fun night at church. Sign up on the children’s ministry bulletin board or online (here).

Youth Event - Winter Fun

License to Chill Snow Island Lake Lanier Islands

Tomorrow January 21

Our middle school and high school youth are invited to join us for a fun day at Lake Lanier Snow Island tomorrow Saturday, January 21. We will go snow tubing, and ice skating, to enjoy the winter fun with friends. We will leave the church at 10:00 and return at about 5:00. It will be a day packed with excitement and fellowship. Bring a friend to share the fun on this exciting day. The cost is $40. Scholarships are available. Sign up online (here).

All Georgia Youth Gathering

February 24-26

Youth, sixth grade through twelfth grade will meet for an in-person All Georgia Weekend February 24-26. We will be returning to Camp Grace in Roberta, Georgia for a weekend with Lutheran youth from around the state. Dave Scherer and Joe Davis will be our worship leaders and musical entertainment. This pair of musicians are excellent at reaching youth with the Word. The cost for food, lodging, and activities is $120. Scholarships are available. Sign up no later than February 3 at the youth ministry bulletin board or online (here).

If you have any questions about Faith Formation Ministry and how you can be a part of it, contact Diane Thomas through the church office or by email

Join the Choir

All are welcome.

Rehearsals are held Wednesday evenings beginning at 7:15. We will begin a new season January 11

Bell Choir

Handbell choir rehearsals are Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. John Miller will make himself available to help new ringers individually.

Worship Band

The CTL Band gathers monthly on a select Wednesday evening at 6:30. We are currently seeking percussionist to keep the beat. Contact Diliana for details.

If you have any questions about Music Ministry and how you can be a part of it contact Diliana Slavova through the church office or by email (here)

Start the New Year as

a New Member

Make Christ the Lord

Your Church Home

We would love for you and your family to become an active part of our congregation. If you have been visiting for some time and feel comfortable with joining, why not make it official? The process is easy. Simply complete a one-page membership form with your family profile (name, address. etc.) to be entered into the church database. Jenny Lanning, our Director of the New Member Ministry, has the necessary forms at the welcome podium in the narthex. She would be happy to assist you. Email Jenny if you would like forms sent to you.

Ladies Night Out

Hostess' are needed for Ladies Night Out. The hostess coordinates a dinner gathering for the adult ladies of the church. This means choosing a restaurant, being the contact person, and being sure that there is enough seating for anyone who wishes to come. Contact Robin Eggleston to volunteer for a month or if you have questions.

Men's Fellowship Dinner

Join the men of CTL at Tooey's on Thursday, February 9 at 6:30 p.m. Email Jim Clark (here) to have a seat saved for you. 

Book Club


The book club meets in room 7 on the second Friday of each month at 1:00 p.m. Email Kathy Friton if you want to join (link here).

Upcoming Dates and Titles

  • February 10: The Other Einstein by Marie Benedict
  • March 10Woman of God by James Patterson & Maxine Paetro

Adult Sunday School

10:00 a.m.

Contnues This Week

Adult Sunday school is facilitated by Pr, Scott, and meets in the fellowship hall. The topic of study is the book A Handbook for the Christian Faith by John Swartz There are a few books available for $5.. Adult Sunday School Meets at 10:00 a.m.

Men's Tuesday Bible Study

The Book of Job

A study of the book of Job will continue each Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. Named after its central character Job, the Book of Job attempts to understand the sufferings that engulf Job and bring him everlasting Hope. The reason for this study is - We all need Hope. Our only true Hope comes from God, who has given us His Son Jesus, to save us and bring us to Him, for Joy everlasting. Email Richard Burgess for more information.

Thursday Morning Bible Study

The Gospels

All are Welcome

Pr. Dale Sillik leads this informal study of the Gospels currently studying the Gospel of Matthew. This class is held on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. in room 7. All are welcome. We hope to see you there

We support the Lawrenceville

Co-Op Food Bank

The Lawrenceville Cooperative Ministry is a Christian organization providing food assistance for people in need in Lawrenceville and Dacula.

Most Needed Food Items

Critically low on Jelly, Oatmeal, Instant or canned potatoes

Pasta Sauce, Canned Fruit, Snacks (granola bars, fruit bars, peanut butter crackers, etc.) Applesauce, Canned chicken

Most Needed Personal Care Items

Adult Diapers, Laundry Detergent, and Hotel/Trial size Toiletries

Visit the Co-Op Website (here) to learn all the ways to volunteer

Save the Date

We will have a toilet paper drive on

April 30

Start gathering your donations now.

Youth Fellowship Event - January 21

Family Fun Night - January 27

Annual Congregation Meeting - January 29 

Men’s Fellowship Dinner - January 12

Children’s Sunday - February 12

Red Cross Blood Drive - February 17

Ash Wednesday - February 22

All Georgia Youth Gathering - February 24-26 

Youth Sunday - March 5

Easter Sunday - April 9 

Google Calendar


Keep up to date on all the events and activities happening at Christ the Lord. Access the google calendar on our website by clicking on the icon on the left side of this article. 

We continue to pray for these friends to feel God's presence during
their challenging times: You may submit prayers below:

John Bacon

Laura Bacon

Wanda Bacon

John Boy Bryant

Riley Casteel

Kenny Clark

Jeff Dahlin

Mark Edwards

Donna Howard

Hannah Johnson

Ed Kennedy

Darleen Krautwurst

Dottie Mack

Lloyd McArthur

Kathy Morales

Steve Rozinka

Janet Schuman

Darlene Swaim

Jean Todd

Leroy White

Evelyn Wragg

Linda Yeargin


You may mail checks to 1001 Duluth Highway, Lawrenceville, Ga 30043
Set-up electronic funds transfer by emailing our Treasurer, Brandon Witt 
Reminder: No one on staff will ever contact you one-on-one through email or text for help with any ministry needs.... Be alert and vigilant to scammers' attempts to take advantage of our kind nature. We have had some reports of suspicious text. If you ever have questions we encourage you to call the church office.

Christ the Lord Lutheran Church

1001 Duluth Highway, Lawrenceville, Ga 30043


Facebook  Youtube  

Christ the Lord Lutheran Church is located at 1001 Duluth Highway (State Route 120) at McKendree Church Road in Lawrenceville, GA. We are between University Parkway (State Route 316) and Interstate 85. Our phone number is 770-963.4499.

Email Alerts Signup


Office Hours are Mon - Fri 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Worship Times
8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship Service
11:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service

Education and Fellowship
9:45 a.m. Adult Fellowship/Coffee Available
9:45 a.m. Sunday School Classes for all ages
9:45 a.m. Confirmation (6th ,7th and 8th grade)

Nursery is available for children birth – 4 years, 8:30 a.m. to noon