

July 21, 2023

July 21, 2023

God at Work in You and Through You

Years ago, while our son Will was in the hospital, I scoured the internet for “books fathers should read to their sons.” Most of the results did not grab my attention until I saw the book titled Rules for A Knight by Ethan Hawke. The description of the book reads as follows: “A knight, fearing he may not return from battle, writes a letter to his children to leave a record of all he knows.” In the first chapter titled Solitude, the knight tells this story.

“One time, on a sweltering August night, Grandfather and I made camp down by the ocean. He said, “While I teach you about the ways of war, I want you to know that the real struggle is between the two wolves that live inside each of us.” “Two wolves?” I asked, seated on an old log near the fire. My eyes were transfixed by the flames twisting uncomfortably in the night air. “One wolf is evil,” he continued. “It is anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, deceit, false pride.” He paused, poking the embers of our fire with a long stick he’d been carving. “The other is good. It is joy, love, hope, serenity, humility, loving-kindness, forgiveness, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, faith.” I considered that for a minute, then tentatively asked, “Which wolf will win?” Sparks danced towards the stars as the old man stared into the glare of the flames and replied: “Whichever one you feed.”


Now the moral of this story is evident, but I got to thinking. It is not just “which wolf you feed” that matters, but also "which wolf the people you surround yourself with feed." Whether we want to hear it or not, we as humans are beings of relationship and community. If those people in our lives feed and teach us anger, envy, greed, arrogance, guilt, etc. then the evil wolf in us becomes stronger. But if those in our life feed us love, peace, joy, humility, and compassion then the goodness in us grows strong. This is our call. God nourishes and provides us with these good things, so that we may go out into the world and provide those things for others. 


Pastor Brad

Piano Recital

You are cordially invited to attend the senior piano recital of our own Amanda Robinson. The recital will be held Saturday, August 5 at 11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary here at Christ the Lord. Amanda will be attending the University of Georgia this fall. All are welcome.

Casting Call

The Prayer Circle

This fall CTL will present an original play.

"The Prayer Circle" by MC Conti, is a comedy about an average church in an average town having anything but an average day! Auditions will be held Sunday, July 30 from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Anyone (from 3rd grade to 110 years) is welcome to be a part of the production. Can't come on July 30? Submit a video. Contact M.C. Conti with questions or for more information. The play will be presented September 14, 15, 16, and 17.


New Ringers are being Sought for the

Bell Choir

Bell season is beginning soon. If you have an interest but are unsure if it's for you, consider coming on August 6 at 10:00 a.m. to try it out. We have a great time learning together.

Rehearsals are held on Sunday mornings. Ringers of all skill levels are welcome to join. Contact John Miller by email if you have questions about being a part of the bell choir. John will make himself available to work with newcomers on an individual basis. The Handbell Choir will perform during services throughout the year.

Register Your College Student for

the College Care Ministry

While our young adults are attending college, whether near or far, our faith community here at CTL desires to stay connected.


This year letters of encouragement will be written by members of our Care Team.


If you would like your college student to receive letters of encouragement and gift cards throughout the academic year, please use the link below to register them.


If you wish to be a part of the letter-writing team please email Lori Leberman.

College Care Ministry Student Registration

Ladies Night Out

Adult ladies are invited to Ladies Night Out. The next event will be held at La Cazuela Mexican restaurant on the square in Lawrenceville on July 31 at 6:30 p.m. RSVP to Diane Thomas.

Confirmation Retreat Camp Weekend

Middle School Youth

Join other youth from our synod for a weekend of workshops and fellowship. We will study the Sacraments; communion and baptism. Classes will be led by some of our Assistants to the Bishop.

High School Youth

High schoolers (ninth- twelfth) will serve the camp, have plenty of time to experience the surroundings, and enjoy the company of each other during their down time. This is a great opportunity for our youth.

Please commit to participating in this special weekend retreat by August 6.

Contact Diane Thomas through the church office.

Just One More Volunteer Needed

to Complete the Yard Sale Planning Team

It is about time to get ready for the church yard sale. A planning team is being assembled. This event proves to be a great fundraiser for our church and members love donating their wares. Even the community eagerly awaits the sale each year. We are looking for a team of three to four people to plan, organize, and help run the 2023 sale. If you would like to assist the church with this event, please contact Diane Thomas through the church office.

Register Now -------->
  • September 5 - “What Do We Believe?” with Rev. Dr. William R. Russell, Coordinator for The Lutheran Confessions' Project, LWF
  • September 19 - Adult Catechism, with Bishop Emeritus Julian Gordy
  • October 3 - “Who is Luther?” with Rev. Dr. Justin Nickel, Lenoir Rhyne - LTSS
  • October 17 - Lutheranism in North America, with Rev. Dr. Susan McArver, Lenoir Rhyne - LTSS

All sessions will be recorded and posted to the Southeastern Synod Formation landing page on the synod website, and a digest of videos and resources will be emailed to all at the end of the series.

Cost: FREE

Held via Zoom - link and reminder emails will be sent upon registration.

Register just ONCE for all 4 sessions. Attend as many as you can.

+ + + + +

Faith Formation News

Sunday Morning Classes for Children and Youth

Break for the Summer

Sunday morning classes for elementary students, confirmation, and high school youth are on break for the summer. Classes will resume on September 10, 2023. Watch for details in your eNews and Sunday news bulletin.

Back Pack Blessing

Sunday, July 30

During Services

9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Youth in Middle School

If you have a youth entering sixth grade or if your middle schooler has not previously attended, we encourage them to join Confirmation Classes this fall. Please email Diane Thomas for more information.

Mark Your Calendar

2023-24 Faith Formation Year begins September 10, 2023, with Sunday morning classes for children and youth including Confirmation.

Faith Formation Director

If you have any questions about Faith Formation Ministry and how you can be a part of it, contact Diane Thomas through the church office or by email (here)

Adult Sunday Morning Faith Formation

A Study of the Book of Exodus

10:00 a.m. in Room 7 in the Education Hallway

Led by Pastor Brad

Men's Tuesday Bible Study

Study of Philippians

Paul explains to the persecuted church at Philippi that living as a Christian means seeing our own story as a living expression of Jesus' story. Paul calls the people to imitate Jesus' way of life so that even in their suffering, they can find contentment and purpose through his example. Email Richard Burgess for more information

Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.

Thursday Morning Bible Study

The Gospels

The Thursday morning Bible Study will be on break until September 7. The month of September will focus on finishing the study of St. Matthew. October 5th will be the beginning of the study of St. Luke. This Pastor led study when in session, meets Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. in room 7 in the education hallway.

Book Club


The book club meets in room 7 on the second Friday of each month at 1:00 p.m. Email Kathy Friton if you want to join (link here).

Upcoming Dates and Titles

August 11: The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman

September 8: Homecoming by Kate Morton

Domestic Violence Shelter

Boutique Support Team

A team is being assembled to maintain the organization of the clothing boutique at the domestic violence shelter. The boutique allows residents and their children to fill their empty closets after fleeing a violent situation. If you would be available and willing to serve on a rotating basis about once a month email l Lori Leberman.

There is a Critical Need for Diapers at the Gwinnett Domestic

Violence Shelter

The domestic violence shelter is in critical need of diapers and pull-ups for the children who reside there. We are asking for donations to be brought in of diapers sizes 3,4,5 and Pull-ups sizes 3T, 4T, and 5T.

Join the Care Team

The Care Team is being rebuilt. This group of servants will be on call to provide meals, send cards, provide rides or sit with folks experiencing hardship. They will also help to stay connected with members who are unable to attend services in person. If you have served in the past or if you would like to join the team, please email Lori Leberman, Outreach Ministry Chairperson.

We support the Lawrenceville

Co-Op Food Bank

The Lawrenceville Cooperative Ministry is a Christian organization providing food assistance for people in need in Lawrenceville and Dacula.


Jelly (completely out)

Peanut butter

Canned or instant potatoes

Canned chicken and tuna


Adult diapers size M & L

Size 3-6 diapers

Dish soap

Baby wipes

Visit the Co-Op Website (here) to learn all the ways to volunteer

Make Christ the Lord Your Church Home

We would love for you and your family to become an active part of our congregation. If you have been visiting for some time and feel comfortable with joining, why not make it official? The process is easy. Simply complete a one-page membership form with your family profile (name, address. etc.) to be entered into the church database. Jenny Lanning, our Director of New Member Ministry, has the necessary forms at the welcome podium in the narthex. She would be happy to assist you. 

First Place 4 Health Begins

July 25

Backpack Blessing

July 30

Audition for the Fall Play 

July 30

Ladies Night Out

July 31

Amanda Robinson - Senior Piano Recital

August 5

Men’s Dinner

August 10

Book Club

August 11

Blood Drive

August 18

Faith Formation for 

Children and Youth Begins

September 10


Synodwide Confirmation 

Camp at Lutheranch 

September 29 to October 1

Google Calendar


Keep up to date on all the events and activities happening at Christ the Lord. Access the google calendar on our website by clicking on the icon on the left side of this article. 

In Our Prayers

We continue to pray for these friends to feel God's presence during

their challenging times: You may submit prayers below:

Donna Anderson

Carole Baldwin

Karen Baney

Donna Byron

Hannah Clark

Kenny Clark

Jeff Dahlin

Family of Peter DeJager

Mark Edwards

Ron King

Darleen Krautwurst

Hannah Johnson

Dottie Mack

Tony Milio

Stephen Romanow

Rozinka Family

Janet Schuman

Kelsey Slay

Darlene Swaim

Jean Todd

LaVonne VanDeWalle

Sweet Summertime

We know many families take advantage of the summer break from activities to travel or enjoy downtime. Stay connected while you are enjoying your family time.


Remember to support your church while you are away. The best way to help CTL stay on track with meeting our obligations is regular, consistent giving. If you haven't already done so, please take the time to make a plan for providing your offering.


There are several ways you can make your offering to Christ the Lord:

  • Email Brandon Witt, CTL Treasurer and he will help you set up recurring giving using Simply Giving through Vanco.
  • Use your bank's online bill pay feature to set up recurring giving.
  • Mail a check to Christ the Lord Lutheran Church. We have a secure mailbox at 1001 Duluth Highway, Lawrenceville Ga 30043
  • Make it a habit to make an offering during online worship or drop it in the offering plate on Sundays.
  • Or give by debit or credit card from our website here.

Use a Credit or Debit

card through our

website here

You may mail checks to 1001 Duluth Highway, Lawrenceville, Ga 30043

Set-up electronic funds transfer by emailing our Treasurer, Brandon Witt (here)

Reminder: No one on staff will ever contact you one-on-one through email or text for help with any ministry needs.... Be alert and vigilant to scammers' attempts to take advantage of our kind nature. We have had some reports of suspicious text. If you ever have questions we encourage you to call the church office.

Christ the Lord Lutheran Church

1001 Duluth Highway, Lawrenceville, Ga 30043


Facebook  Youtube  

Christ the Lord Lutheran Church is located at 1001 Duluth Highway (State Route 120) at McKendree Church Road in Lawrenceville, GA. We are between University Parkway (State Route 316) and Interstate 85. Our phone number is 770-963.4499.

Email Alerts Signup


Office Hours are Mon - Fri 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Worship Times
8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship Service
11:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service

Education and Fellowship
9:45 a.m. Adult Fellowship/Coffee Available
9:45 a.m. Sunday School Classes for all ages
9:45 a.m. Confirmation (6th ,7th and 8th grade)

Nursery is available for children birth – 4 years, 8:30 a.m. to noon