“Jesus was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his
disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.”
He said to them, “When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread.
And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us.
And do not bring us to the time of trial. –Luke 11:1-4
A Word from Pastor Scott
Dear Friends of Christ the Lord,
THE LORD’S PRAYER is the subject of A NEW ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS entitled, “When you pray…” Our teacher is my favorite professor from seminary days: Dr. James Nestingen. Please give it a try! Each lesson could stand-alone, so no worries if you must miss one or more class sessions. We meet in the Fellowship Hall after the 9:00 a.m. service of worship.
Below is a piece from Frederick Buechner telling how audacious it is for us to pray the Lord’s Prayer.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Scott
IN THE EPISCOPAL order of worship, the priest sometimes introduces the Lord’s Prayer with the words, “Now, as our Savior Christ hath taught us, we are bold to say.. .” The word bold is worth thinking about. We do well not to pray the prayer lightly. It takes guts to pray it at all. We can pray it in the unthinking and perfunctory way we usually do only by disregarding what we are saying.
“THY WILL BE DONE” is what we are saying. That is the climax of the first half of the prayer. We are asking God to be God. We are asking God to do not what we want but what God wants. We are asking God to make manifest the holiness that is now mostly hidden, to set free in all its terrible splendor the devastating power that is now mostly under restraint.
“THY KINGDOM COME . . . ON EARTH” is what we are saying. And if that were suddenly to happen, what then? What would stand and what would fall? Who would be welcomed in and who would be thrown the Hell out? Which if any of our most precious visions of what God is and of what human beings are, would prove to be more or less on the mark and which would turn out to be phony as three-dollar bills? Boldness indeed! To speak those words is to invite the tiger out of the cage, to unleash a power that makes atomic power look like a warm breeze.
–Frederick Buechner
Wrapping Others in Prayer
The Prayer Shawl Ministry came to CTL in 2004 with the idea of having the Pastor deliver them when he visited members in the hospital or the sick and shut-ins until COvID-19 shut us down.
God is now leading us back into the CTL community. We will celebrate the Prayers Shawl Ministry on September 18th during both services. The prayers shawls in inventory will be displayed on the pews in the sanctuary. Anyone who desires to have one for themself a family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker, or child who is in need of the warmth, love, and prayers that went into the making of these shawls.
If you would like more information on how you can be a part of providing prayer shawls contact Juanita Hood (here).
Children’s Sermon
Each Sunday at both services we will invite all children in attendance to the altar area for a special message from Pastor Scott or Ms. Diane. Children’s Sermons will continue until the beginning of Sunday school.
Seeking Support For
College Care Ministry
Our College Students greatly appreciated the letters and gift cards they received this year from the congregation. In order to continue and expand this caring ministry next year, we need one or two volunteers. Volunteers would assist with set up 4 times a year, purchasing gift cards, and maintaining the data spreadsheet. For more information or to volunteer please contact Jenny Lanning.
Faith Formation
Pre-K through High School
Acolyte Training
Sunday, July 24
10:00 a.m.
New and experienced Acolytes are encouraged to attend. Email Diane Thomas to say your youth will be there.
Back Pack Blessing
Sunday, July 31
9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Youth in Middle School
If you have a youth entering sixth grade or if your middle schooler has not previously attended, we encourage them to join Confirmation Classes this fall. Please email Diane Thomas for more information.
Mark Your Calendar
July 31 – Blessing of Backpacks
September 11 – 2022-23 Faith Formation Year begins with Sunday school and Confirmation
If you have any questions about Christian education for children from Pre-K through high school, email Diane Thomas, Faith Formation Director
Adult Education
Sunday School and Bible Studies
Men’s Bible Study
Men’s Bible study of The Case for Christ meets on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Contact Richard Burgess for more information (email here). All are welcome.
Thursday Morning Bible Study
The Gospels
Pr. Dale Sillik leads this informal study of the Gospels currently studying the Gospel of Mark. This class is held on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. in room 7. All are welcome. The Gospel of Matthew will begin on September 15.
Outreach Ministry
We support the Lawrenceville Co-Op Food Bank.
The Lawrenceville Cooperative Ministry is a Christian organization providing food for people in need in Lawrenceville and Dacula.
Greatest Needs
Vienna Sausages (kid’s summer program), Canned green beans, Canned chicken, Oatmeal, Instant or canned potatoes, Applesauce, Toilet paper, Bar soap, Laundry detergent, Deodorant
Fellowship Events
Men’s Fellowship Group
July 14, 2022
Tooey’s Wings and Taps
The Men of CTL meet for dinner on the second Thursday each month. Save the date July 14, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. Tooey’s.
Email Jim Clark and he will save you a seat.
Ladies Night Out
Pepe’s Sugarloaf Mills
July 20 at 6:30 p.m.
Grab a friend and join the ladies of CTL for Ladies Night Out. We will meet at Pepe’s Mexican Bar & Grill outside of Sugarloaf Mills and located at 1802 North Brown Rd, Lawrenceville. We will meet on July 20 at 6:30 p.m.
RSVP to Diane Thomas (here) to say you will be there.
Book Club
The book club meets in room 7 on the second Friday each month at 1 p.m.
Email Kathy Friton if you want to join (link here).
Upcoming Dates and Titles
- August 12: The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware
- September 9: A Time for Mercy by John Grisham
Make Christ the Lord Your Church Home
We would love for you and your family to become an active part of our congregation. If you have been visiting for some time and feel comfortable with joining, why not make it official? The process is easy. Simply complete a one-page membership form with your family profile (name, address. etc.) to be entered into the church database. Jenny Lanning, our Director of New Member Ministry, has the necessary forms at the welcome podium in the narthex. She would be happy to assist you. Or you can download the form here and return it to Jenny Lanning
Christ in Our Home
July, August, and September
Christ in Our Home, a devotional, is available in the Welcome Center at church. If you wish to have one mailed to you, email Jenny Lanning (here) and indicate if you prefer a large print or pocket-size version. She will be happy to have one delivered to your mailbox.
We continue to pray for these friends to feel God’s presence during
their challenging times: You may submit prayers below:
Laura Bacon
Rayden Black
Linda Butler
Jeff Dahlin
Mark Edwards
Doris Featherston
Norm Featherston
Bella Ferguson
Jack Landgren
Dottie Mack
Diane Montgomery
Judy Montgomery
Charlene Minter
Kathy Morales
Janet Schuman
Leighton Stahl
Steven Starling
Darlene Swaim
Stanimir Vladimirov
Leroy White
Linda Yeargin
Sabrina Zugermayer
You may mail checks to:
1001 Duluth Highway
Lawrenceville, Ga 30043
Use a Credit or Debit
card through our
website here
Set-up electronic funds transfer by emailing our Treasurer, Brandon Witt.
Reminder: No one on staff will ever contact you one-on-one through email or text for help with any ministry needs…. Be alert and vigilant to scammers’ attempts to take advantage of our kind nature. We have had some reports of suspicious text. If you ever have questions we encourage you to call the church office.