Pain and the God Who Suffered
“When God becomes man in Jesus of Nazareth, he not only enters into the finitude of man but in his death on the cross also enters into the situation of man's god-forsakenness. In Jesus he does not die the natural death of a finite being, but the violent death of the criminal on the cross, the death of complete abandonment by God. The suffering in the passion of Jesus is abandonment, and rejection by God, his Father. God does not become a religion, so that man participates in him by corresponding religious thoughts and feelings. God does not become a law, so that man participates in him through obedience to a law. God does not become an ideal, so that man achieves community with him through constant striving. He humbles himself and takes upon himself the eternal death of the godless and the godforsaken so that all the godless and the godforsaken can experience communion with him.” -Jurgen Moltmann, The Crucified God
Sin has tainted not only man but every atom of creation. It has distorted our stories and polluted our understanding of ourselves and others. We struggle to hear and believe God’s original declaration of us as good. When God comes to dwell in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, he affirms the goodness of our humanity and finds union with us not in the glory of leaving our humanity behind but by joining us in our suffering. Pain is not preferable, but it can be a meaningful experience and the place where God comes to find us, a physical experience he chose to go through himself to bind us to his life.
Pastor Brad
Stewardship 2024
Our Cup Overflows – Seeking Him and Walking Together
This Sunday, November 12, 2023, is Pledge Sunday. We invite everyone to come and make your intent for giving in 2024. We will have pledge forms available or you can pledge online here.
Walking Together is such a Joy. What a gift God has given us in this Faith Community that we call CTL. We Are The Church Together.
Our Cup Runneth Over
Mortgage Campaign Update
Progress To Date:
Goal = $200,000.00
Received = $169,700.00
Remaining Needed = $ 30,300.00
- $115,000.00 came from the staff, campaign committee, and council members
- Ways of giving have included: checks, cash, credit cards, stock transfers, and Directed Required Minimum Distribution from IRA funds as a Qualified Charitable Donation.
We are eager to see how God will move us in this community as we retire this debt.
Something New For The Christmas Pageant
This year we are excited to add a new twist to the children’s presentation of the Christmas story. The children will be performing a short skit at the beginning of each service on December 10. You are sure to enjoy their interpretation of the story. They have even reserved a special part for the congregation. Don’t miss out! As an extra bonus, the Children’s Chime Choir performs during the offering.
Birthday Party for Jesus
We will be celebrating the birthday of Jesus on Sunday, December 10 at 9:00 a.m. The event will begin in service. Children ages 3 through fifth grade will be invited back to the fellowship hall to enjoy the fun. There will be games, crafts, and cake!
Churchwide Service Project
The congregation is invited to help assemble hygiene kits for clients of the Lawrenceville Co-op on Sunday, December 17 at 10:00. A Thrivent Action Team Project has been used to purchase the supplies needed. If you would like to volunteer to help, please meet in the fellowship hall at 10:00. If you would like to donate, we will be collecting dish soap and small laundry detergents or 10-pack pods. Those may be brought on the day of assembly, December 17.
Annual Coat Drive
The church is collecting clean gently used coats of all sizes during the month of November. The coats are donated to the Lawrenceville First Baptist Clothing Mission where
they are distributed to those most in need in our area. Any surplus coats are then given to those in the Atlanta area. Help us keep others warm this winter. Collection boxes will be in the Narthex and Education Wing.
Angel Tree 2023
Begins This Sunday
Show the love of Christ to our community
through one of our Angels!
Legacy Angels - We have several families that have been part of our Angel Tree program for more than 4 years. We are continuing to help these families provide gifts for their children. Stop by the Christmas Tree in the narthex and look through all the options - then pick out an ornament and record your name in the master book. The deadline for returning wrapped gifts is December 3rd.
Golden Angels - One of the things that make our program special, is that the Golden Angels are gifts that are given out all year long. These gift cards are used to help those who come to the church looking for assistance. They are shared with a local ministry that works with the homeless in Lawrenceville. Want to help? Come by the Christmas Tree and take a Golden Ornament! Gift cards can be put in the offering plate or given to a staff member.
Streetwise Angel (Toy Drive) - CTL has been challenged with collecting toys/gifts for Streetwise Georgia, located here in Lawrenceville. As a part of their family support ministries, Streetwise works to provide Christmas gifts to the 250-300 families they serve locally. If you would like to donate, please bring a toy/gift for kids ages 3 to 18 price range is $20 - $30. Bring your unwrapped toy/gift to the church and place it in the collection box! The deadline for drop-off is Sunday, November 26th.
Want to volunteer with our Angel Tree Team? Contact Missy Magee
Faith Formation News
Children and Youth
Faith Formation Classes
All Classes Held at 10:00 a.m.
Sunday school at Christ the Lord is for children and youth ages four years through the twelfth grade. Class time includes Bible study, fellowship, and creative activities. Students can walk their faith journey with caring teachers and their peers in the loving environment of our church. Confirmation for middle school students is taught during the Sunday morning education hour. Registration is available online (here).
Sunday School Break
We will be taking a break from children and youth Faith Formation classes on November 19 and 26. We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. At Christ the Lord, we are thankful for the dedicated volunteers who teach our children and youth each Sunday morning. Classes will resume on Sunday, December 3 at 10:00.
Chime Choir
Meets at 11:00 a.m.
Ms. Sue is back to help the young CTL ringers to make a joyful noise. Chime Choir is open to anyone who is in first grade and up. Rehearsals are held on Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m. in room 3 in the education wing. No experience is necessary we all learn together. Bring the kids to Sunday School and stay for Chime Choir
Faith Formation Director
If you have any questions about Faith Formation Ministry and how you can be a part of it, contact Diane Thomas through the church office.
Advent Music Program
Let There Be Christmas!
Come and join in the celebration
of Hope and Peace for this Christmas Season!
Let There Be Christmas
A Cantata By Joseph M. Martin
Sunday, December 3, 2023
6:00 p.m.
If you have any questions about Music Ministry and how you can be a part of it contact Diliana Slavova through the church office. |
Sunday Morning Adult Faith Formation
Study of Revelation
Begins This Sunday, November 12
Pastor Brad will begin a study of Revelation this Sunday morning, November 12 at 10:00 a.m. This class meets in the fellowship hallway in room 10. Grab your bible, a cup of coffee and join us this Sunday. All are welcome!
New Sunday Morning Prayer Group
Luke 11:1-4 New International Version (NIV)
One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”
Prayer is one of the most important practices that Christians have at their disposal. For those interested, Stephen Amartey will be leading an educational and practical small group on prayer. This group meets on Sunday mornings at 8:15 in the Adult Sunday School Room. The focus for November will be "Biblical Prayer".
Men's Tuesday Bible Study
Study of Acts
The Acts of the Apostles is the fifth book of the New Testament; it tells of the founding of the Christian Church and the spread of its message to the Roman Empire. Acts and the Gospel of Luke make up a two-part work, Luke–Acts, by the same anonymous author. Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Thursday Morning Bible Study
A Pastor-Led Study of The Gospels
Will Resume November 30th
The Thursday morning Bible Study is taking a break. This study will resume Thursday, November 30th,
Pastor Dale Sillik leads this popular mid-week study on Thursday mornings at 10:00 a.m. in room 7 in the education hallway. The study is currently focused on the book of Luke. Bring your own bible or use one of ours. All are welcome.
Advent Begins December 3rd
The season of Advent begins December 3rd. Why not spend these next few weeks reflecting on Christ’s coming into our world? Free Advent calendars and devotional booklets are available in the narthex.
Book Club
The book club meets in room 7 on the second Friday of each month at 1:00 p.m.
Upcoming Dates and Titles
December 8: The Holiday Meeting includes A special collection for the Co-Op goodies to share and everyone Everyone reads a Christmas book of their choice to share, a special collection for the Co-Op, and goodies!
January 12: Someone Else's Shoes by JoJo Moyes
We support the Lawrenceville
Co-Op Food Bank
The Lawrenceville Cooperative Ministry is a Christian organization providing food assistance for people in need in Lawrenceville and Dacula.
Instant Potatoes, Applesauce, Pasta Sauce, Canned Fruit
Canned Green Beans, Mixed Vegetables, and Corn, Jelly, Oatmeal
Rice, Canned Pasta, Canned Chicken and Tuna
Toilet Paper, Feminine Products
Visit the Co-Op Website (here) to learn all the ways to volunteer
Wrapping Our Friends in Prayer
Attention crocheters and knitters get those hands busy by making prayer shawls to share with anyone needing a reminder that God is with them during a difficult time. Using your favorite material and pattern and neutral colors make them at least six feet long. All completed shawls can be brought to the office or given to a staff member.
Friend Sunday
Members are encouraged to invite a friend, family member or neighbor to church on Sunday, December 3rd. The morning includes both traditional and contemporary worship services with the lighting of the Advent wreath, as well as Faith Formation classes for children and adults and a time of fellowship in the narthex. This is a wonderful opportunity for friends to “come and see” our church and experience the message of God’s love and grace. Studies show that 80% of folks without a church home would attend if invited by a friend! That someone could be you! Matthew 28:18-20
Make Christ the Lord Your Church Home
We would love for you and your family to become an active part of our congregation. If you have been visiting for some time and feel comfortable with joining, why not make it official? The process is easy. Simply complete a one-page membership form with your family profile (name, address. etc.) to be entered into the church database. Jenny Lanning has the necessary forms at the welcome podium in the narthex. She would be happy to assist you.
Friend Sunday
December 3
Advent Program
December 3
Birthday Party for Jesus
December 10
Ladies Night Out
December 12
Red Cross Blood Drive
December 15
Hygiene Kit Assembly
Service Project
December 17
Blue Christmas Service
December 20
Congregational Meeting
Community Sunday
January 28
All Georgia Youth Gathering
February 23 - 25
Men’s Retreat
April 25-April 28
Women’s Retreat
April 26 - April 28
AFFIRM Youth Camp
June 9 - June 14
ELCA National Youth Gathering - New Orleans
July 16 - July 20
Google Calendar
Keep up to date on all the events and activities happening at Christ the Lord. Access the google calendar on our website by clicking on the icon on the left side of this article.
In Our Prayers
We continue to pray for these friends to feel God's presence during
their challenging times: You may submit prayers below:
Peggy Aldridge
Donna Anderson
John Bacon
Shirley Beard
Kenny Clark
Jeff Dahlin
Gary Davis
Landon Doohan
Raquel Doohan
Mark Edwards
Bella Ferguson
Judy Gaddis
Harold Henson
Otto Hering
| |
Barbara Hood
Family of Ron King
Darleen Krautwurst
Dottie Mack
Kathy Morales
Family of Denise O’Sullivan
Janet Schuman
Jacob Sheehan
Family of David Shoberg
Denise Stahl-Robinson
Darlene Swaim
LaVonne VanDeWalle
Valerie Workman
You may mail checks to 1001 Duluth Highway, Lawrenceville, Ga 30043 |
Set-up electronic funds transfer. Contact the church office for more information. |
Reminder: No one on staff will ever contact you one-on-one through email or text for help with any ministry needs.... Be alert and vigilant to scammers' attempts to take advantage of our kind nature. We have had some reports of suspicious text. If you ever have questions we encourage you to call the church office.
Christ the Lord Lutheran Church
1001 Duluth Highway, Lawrenceville, Ga 30043